Editor April Michelle Davis will also be meeting with authors by appointment throughout the day to answer questions about editing services and discuss the first 1000 words of their manuscript. Appointments must be made prior to the event, and manuscripts must be submitted to April for review. Contact April directly to make arrangements for an appointment and instructions on how to submit your manuscript. E-mail her at april@editorialinspirations.com.

This is a family event so bring your children!
Children's Storytime:  11:00 AM - Reading by Author Susan McConaghy

Mari K. Eder, retired U.S. Army Major General, is a renowned speaker and author, and a thought leader on strategic communication and leadership. General Eder has served as Director of Public Affairs at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies and as an adjunct professor and lecturer in strategic communications and public diplomacy at the NATO School and Sweden’s International Training Command. She served in a number of senior positions in the Pentagon, on the Army Staff, as Deputy Chief of Public Affairs and Deputy Chief of the Army Reserve, and with DoD’s Reserve Forces Policy Board. General Eder speaks and writes frequently on communication topics and has published in USA Today, TIME Magazine, The Hill, and other outlets.
A deeply inspirational book, The Girls Who Stepped Out of Line, was released in August 2021. The Library of Virginia awarded it the People’s Choice Award in October 2022. The second book in this series, The Girls Who Fought Crime, was released in August 2023.
In July 2023 Mari K. received the prestigious Daughters of the American Revolution Medal of Honor and was named as the National Trust for Historic Preservation/Historic Hotels of America 2023 Historian of the Year.
She holds a BA and MA degrees in English from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania (now Penn West) and an MS in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College, plus an advanced certificate in mass communications from the University of South Carolina. She was awarded a PhD (hon) in Humane Letters from Edinboro in 2013. 
When not writing, lecturing, or traveling, she works with rescue groups, fostering rescue dogs.​ 

April Michelle Davis is a freelance editor, indexer, proofreader, and author. She is the executive director for the National Association for Independent Writers and Editors (NAIWE), the coordinator for the Virginia chapter of the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA), a lifetime member of ACES: American Copy Editors Society, and the founder of her own company Editorial Inspirations (EI) where she teaches courses as well as for associations and colleges on topics such as editing, indexing, grammar, writing, and creating macros. April Michelle Davis is the author of A Guide for the Freelance Indexer, Choosing an Editor: What You Need to Know, Insider’s Guide to Expert Editing, and A Princesses in Disguise.

From the viewpoint of an experienced editor, learn how to find and select a freelance editor. Discover how the editorial process works and what you can expect from working with an editor.


                           2:00 - 3:00 PM

                       ​"Your Baby is Ugly"

                        Presenter:  Bishop O'Connell

Bishop O'Connell is author of the American Faerie Tale series and Two-Gun Witch, as well as a consultant, writer, blogger, lover of kilts and beer, as well as a member of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America. Born in Naples Italy while his father was in the Navy, Bishop grew up in San Diego, where he fell in love with the ocean and fish tacos. After wandering the country for work and school (absolutely not evading mind controlling bunnies), he settled in Richmond VA, where he writes, collects swords, revels in his immortality as a "visionary" of the urban fantasy genre, and is regularly chastised for making up things for his bio. He can also be found online at A Quiet Pint (aquietpint.com), where he muses philosophical on life, the universe, and everything, as well as various aspects of writing and the road to getting published.

Rejection is part of the publishing process, no matter which path you take. It could be rejections from agents, publishers, or even getting negative reviews. It's never fun hearing your baby is ugly, and it never gets easy, but there are things you can do to make the most of it. Persisting in 90% of the job when it comes to writing, but so is being open to improve. Let's talk about how to do both.

Blog – https://aquietpint.com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AuthorBishopOConnell Twitter - https://twitter.com/BishopMOConnell Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bishopmoconnell/ Amazon Author Page - http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00L74LE4Y 


Pre-registration Not Required for Presentations, however, please e-mail joliggan@gmail.com to express your interest in hearing any of these accomplished speakers. 

PRESENTATION #1: (Open to everyone at no charge.) 

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Adventures in Non-Fiction Writing

​Presenter:  Maj. Gen. Mari K. Eder, U.S. Army (retired)

​​PRESENTATION #2: (Open to everyone at no charge.)

12:00 - 1:00 PM

Working With an Editor: The Editorial Process

 ​Presenter:  April Michelle Davis, Editor

​Editorial Inspirations   

​​PRESENTATION #3:  (Open to everyone at no charge.)

